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Happy 50th Birthday Rich!

Amazing dinner with the Peck’s at Jean-Georges Steakhouse! Thank you Brandi and Bryan!

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Hong Kong!

So great to be back! Such a great city…. Also one of our favorite restaurants – anywhere – Yardbird that serves delicious yakatori!

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Trip to Disneytown!

There is a shopping area at Shanghai Disneyland similar to our Disney Springs. I travelled there yesterday for some shopping and lunch! There is a great view of the park from Wolfgang Puck’s terrace. I stumbled across it and enjoyed the afternoon parade.

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And I’m off!

Seems like forever since I was there!

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Previews start tonight!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory – Broadway! It’s at the Lunt-Fontanne which is where I saw my first show in 1977 – Peter Pan!

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Waffle House!

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My cousin Deme and I!

Downtown St. Pete…great day at Sundial.

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Merry Christmas!

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Beautiful Christmas fruit basket from Rich’s sister Tarry and her husband Tim!

Merry Christmas!

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A little Disney Christmas magic!

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